七叶笔记 » golang编程 » 「柚子编程俱乐部」在 Golang 中查找变量类型的不同方法

「柚子编程俱乐部」在 Golang 中查找变量类型的不同方法



  • reflect.TypeOf
  • reflect.ValueOf.Kind()
  • %T 和 Printf
  • 类型断言 v, ok := i.(T)
 // Golang program to show the different ways
// to find the Type of a Variable
package main

// import the fmt and reflect package
import (

//main function

func main() {

// string type
var1 := "hello world"

// integer
var2 := 10

// float
var3 := 1.55

// boolean
var4 := true

// shorthand string array declaration
var5 := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}

// map is reference datatype
var6 := map[int]string{100: "Ana", 101: "Lisa", 102: "Rob"}

// complex64 and complex128
// is basic datatype
var7 := complex(9, 15)

// using %T format specifier to
// determine the datatype of the variables

fmt.Println("Using Percent T with Printf")

fmt.Printf("var1 = %T\n", var1)
fmt.Printf("var2 = %T\n", var2)
fmt.Printf("var3 = %T\n", var3)
fmt.Printf("var4 = %T\n", var4)
fmt.Printf("var5 = %T\n", var5)
fmt.Printf("var6 = %T\n", var6)
fmt.Printf("var7 = %T\n", var7)

// using TypeOf() method of reflect package
// to determine the datatype of the variables
fmt.Println("Using reflect.TypeOf Function")

fmt.Println("var1 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var1))
fmt.Println("var2 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var2))
fmt.Println("var3 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var3))
fmt.Println("var4 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var4))
fmt.Println("var5 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var5))
fmt.Println("var6 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var6))
fmt.Println("var7 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var7))

// using ValueOf() method of reflect package
// to determine the value of the variable
// Kind() method returns the datatype of the
// value fetched by the ValueOf() method
fmt.Println("Using reflect.ValueOf.Kind() Function")

fmt.Println("var1 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var1).Kind())
fmt.Println("var2 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var2).Kind())
fmt.Println("var3 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var3).Kind())
fmt.Println("var4 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var4).Kind())
fmt.Println("var5 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var5).Kind())
fmt.Println("var6 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var6).Kind())
fmt.Println("var7 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var7).Kind())




 Using Percent T with Printf

var1 = string
var2 = int
var3 = float64
var4 = bool
var5 = []string
var6 = map[int]string
var7 = complex128

Using reflect.TypeOf Function

var1 =  string
var2 =  int
var3 =  float64
var4 =  bool
var5 =  []string
var6 =  map[int]string
var7 =  complex128

Using reflect.ValueOf.Kind() Function

var1 =  string
var2 =  int
var3 =  float64
var4 =  bool
var5 =  slice
var6 =  map
var7 =  complex128


%T 和 Printf

Go 中检查值类型的一种快速方法是将 %T 动词与 fmt.Printf 结合使用。如果您想将类型打印到控制台以进行调试,这很有效。

 package main

import (

func main() {
a, b, c := "yes", 20.6, false
d := []int{3, 4, 5, 6}
e := map[string]string{
"name":  "jake",
"email": "jake@example.com",
fmt.Printf("type of a is %T\n", a)
fmt.Printf("type of b is %T\n", b)
fmt.Printf("type of c is %T\n", c)
fmt.Printf("type of d is %T\n", d)
fmt.Printf("type of e is %T\n", e)

type of a is string
type of b is float64
type of c is bool
type of d is []int
type of e is map[string]string


确定值类型的另一种方法是使用反射包中的 TypeOf 方法:

 package main

import (

func main() {
a, b, c := "yes", 20.6, false
d := []int{3, 4, 5, 6}
e := map[string]string{
"name":  "jake",
"email": "jake@example.com",
fmt.Printf("type of a is %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))
fmt.Printf("type of b is %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(b))
fmt.Printf("type of c is %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(c))
fmt.Printf("type of d is %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(d))
fmt.Printf("type of e is %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(e))

type of a is string
type of b is float64
type of c is bool
type of d is []int
type of e is map[string]string



 v, ok := i.(T)

package main

import (

func main() {
var s interface{} = "string"
if _, ok := s.(string); ok {
fmt.Println("s is a string")
} else {
fmt.Println("s is not a string")

s is a string

如果 s 包含一个字符串值,则 ok 变量将为真。否则,它将是错误的。这是如何在运行时检查接口值的类型。


  • 镜心的小树屋
  • 柚子编程俱乐部
